Wednesday, August 23, 2006

My phone has conked off!

My O2 Atom has died on me!

It was misbehaving the last couple of days and would hang every few days for no apparent reason. The only way out was a soft reset, which would bring the phone back to working order.

So I decided to rezap the latest firmware on the Atom this morning. Maybe the last time I did it, something did not install right. Very unlikely, but not impossible. I already had the update downloaded (I have every single ROM upgrade that has ever come out, even for my old O2 XDA II, and I have kept them all) and so all I needed was a backup of my data and my settings and everything was in order. By experience, I knew that the phone would be unavailable for around 20 minutes, which is an acceptable downtime.

So I plowed ahead with the task, only to find that after the upgrade completed, the phone turned into a hi-tech brick. Nothing would come on. Not a glow.

I took out the battery, I hit the reset button a few times and tried everything I knew to revive it. But it was not to be.

So I went over to the service center at Bugis and handed it over. Now it will take anywhere between three and five days to get my device back. Until then, I have to manage with some phone.

Don't know what I am going to do, but I will have to manage.

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