Thursday, March 30, 2006


What a week so far...

Things have been really hectic (you can make out from the number of ... actually the absense of...posts).

So today has been a good day so far.

But I still have a headache. Mostly caused by the late night discussion with a few friends of mine.

This friend is about to sign a huge design contract for a housing project in KL. This deal is huge and it's a big step forward for him. I am really happy for him and so we were having a really long chat last night.

He, and another friend, came over to collect medicines from my wife (she's a Homeopathic doctor, in case you didn't already know that) and she's helping him stop his hair loss. So after he came over, we sat chatting for a while at home and then decided to take it outside where we could talk some more.

This went on until about 2am in the morning.

I need some sleep.

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