Friday, March 16, 2007

A game after 8 weeks

Two months! 8 weeks! That's how long it's been since I last played golf. Well, the wait ends tomorrow (hopefully) and I will be heading off to Batam with a few people to play what will be a round of shame.

What else can I expect after ignoring the noble game for so long? Not that it was intentional. But still, it is unforgivable to not have played for so long and so I feel I can no longer be called a "golfer". I can at best be termed as a "social golfer". It's the term I used to use for people who are not serious about their game and just play to either entertain themselves or to make business discussion ("What? In the middle of a round?").

Alas, I have become something like these people (though I haven't stooped so low as to make conversation when people are playing a serious sport).

Tomorrow, I will have no clue where the ball is going to go. No idea what to hit and how far it will go. Sigh! I feel so depressed.

Only I know the game will teach me to respect it even more so that I will make the effort and play more. Unless I do that, my hope of getting to single digit and eventually to scratch will remain a pipe dream.

Tomorrow will tell me whether I still have my swing or whether I have lost all that I made so much effort to get to.

You will know on monday.

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