Friday, February 03, 2006

What kind of freedom of speech is that?

Some Danish idiot went and printed cartoons of the Muslim prophet Mohammed.

Why? I mean, this is asking for it, isn't it?

Of course, there is going to be an uproar. Of course, people are going to get mad. People got mad at the concept of Jesus Christ having a wife and a mortal blood line. Why wouldn't they get mad when someone made fun of their messiah?

Here's my point. Why in the hell does anyone have to talk about somebody else's faith? The concept of faith is exactly that. Singular. What you have faith in is your business. Someone cannot go about pushing their faith into somebody else's faith.

Why don't people just lay off?

Some time back, some idiot tried to get the pictures of an Indian goddess on underwear. Duh! Of course, you are going to get stoned for it.

My question is, why do people even WANT to write about something that is NONE OF THEIR BLOODY BUSINESS!!!

The press is crying "Freedom of Speech"! Yes, it is freedom to say what you want, but we all live in a society where actions have consequenses.

Considering that, I think "Freedom of Speech" should be changed to "Freedom of Comprehension"... The ability to understand other people's point of view and to be able to "Live and Let Live".

But, if the world would have learnt from past mistakes, why would I be even blogging about this?

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