Tuesday, February 21, 2006

A gallant effort

To quote the Sun Microsystems philosophy, it's the age of Participation. And I have rarely seen an effort which qualifies more under this philosophy than the one I am discussing now.

Try out IndiPPC, a stellar effort of a single person on a quest to create a better community for people (like me) who own and are interested in playing around with their Windows Mobile based PDA phones.

I think it all started with the growing irritation that comes with the moderator of our yahoo group going AWOL. As we could not moderate any of the messages or files getting uploaded to the yahoo group, we were very quickly running out of disk space and flexibility.

Then the will of a single man took over and in a short few days, he had the IndiPPC forum up and running. He is still ironing out the chinks that you would find in any new venture and the forum looks like it will be an explosive success.

Mind you, he has managed to do all of this while still remaining employed at his current day job. And that is what makes the effort extraordinary.


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