Friday, November 25, 2005

I can smell the finish line

Yep, you heard me right.

My word count stands at 43838, a mere 6162 words away from the golden 50000 word mark. I am slap bang into the climax of my novel and the build up so far has been to my satisfaction. But I haven't read it as a whole novel yet and so don't know how the script has gelled together. I hope it has, but I will know only when it's done, won't I?

I have a few hours of writing tonight before I pick up my friend from the airport. He and his family are landing tonight and staying with us for a day before they leave for India. So my plan is to carry my trusted Ferrari notebook (don't I just love to rub it in?) and write while I wait for their flight to come in.

I should have a few thousand words in by then. Then I will be just a few thousand words away from the end of my first novel. I think it has turned out well so far, but since I have been the only critic (it has been written in extreme secrecy, so no one but me has seen is), I can't really say.

Any of you wanting to criticise my literary skills? I didn't think so.

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