Monday, December 13, 2010

708, but never a dull moment

Did I say before that I love my car? Ummm, maybe a few times. Ok, a lot of times! Fact is, I really love my Skoda Laura. And now I love it even more.

My lovely Laura ran for 708 km in one tankfull. That's almost a mileage of 13km/l in peak city traffic conditions! Isn't that fantastic?!?!

This along with the additional pleasure of driving an absolutely gorgeous car. One of the most rewarding things at the end of the day is to drive my automatic car in peak traffic and not be bothered with shifting gears or getting irked with the honking that is going on all around me. Just me. my music and a lovely drive.

But now here comes the rant.

It's the part after I have gotten out of the car is when the problem starts. The amount of honking that the people in this country are capable of is not even funny. I did this experiment standing outside my office building - which I might add is in the middle of a mostly residential area - to figure out how long the traffic outside can go without honking. Guess how long it was between honks?

4 seconds was the longest pause!

4 seconds!

That's insane!

There should be a law enacted that puts a fine of Rs 500 for anyone who honks.

The country would be a lot better place if it got a little bit quieter.

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