Saturday, October 15, 2005

What image association!

My daughter and I were sitting in the living room watching TV on a lazy saturday night. And "The Parent Trap" was playing on cable.

So we're there watching it. And suddenly my daughter has a glint in her eye & she goes "that's woman is Violet's mother from Willy Wonka".

And I sit up & realise that she's right. The woman playing the part of the to-be-stepmother (don't ask me her name, I couldn't care less) was actually the one playing the mother of the obnoxious, constantly gum chewing, self possessed teenager in "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory). And I say "Wow, that is amazing face recollection for a face that you've seen in a movie just once, that too a month ago".

And then, my wife stunned me with another. She just went "Isn't the little girl in the movei the same as the one in Herbie Fully Loaded?" And it's only then that I realised that it WAS indeed Lindsey Lohan who acted as the twins in the movie.

Wahow! Talk about face recall!

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