Monday, February 21, 2011

What illness and boredom will do

I thought I was getting back in the habit of posting once every day. Blogger was now part of my "always open" tabs. I thought I was back. Guess what? I was wrong.

Had a round of golf and then a drinkie session with my buddies and then came back and tanked. Was out cold! Two day of non stop coughing and another two days without a voice, not to mention a few lost kilos somewhere, not that I needed to lose them. Then a ray of hope and my body started to come back. I could feel the strength coming back, a sense of a vague memory of my appetite. And that gave me the overconfidence to agree to go for a movie with friends.

Aah, the misery of being unwell. Can't eat my favorite movie snack (Popcorn) because the salt aggravates my cough and can't have my diet coke to sip cause it hurts my throat. And to add salt to serious illness, I picked up an eye infection to boot. My immune system, already battered and bruised, could not take it any more. I could almost hear the Scotty in my USS Enterprise of a body screaming "I'm givin her all she's got, Captain. I cannae give any more". And so the Romulans were pummeling my poor body from inside.

Another week wasted. Sigh!

After I'm back, it takes a bit of time to get the clock reset and to restart the engines. This time the engines had been out cold for a while and so took longer to get to optimum operating temperature. Therefore the lag.

Here's hoping to more post on - fingers crossed - a daily basis. Stay tuned for more Bakwas to follow.

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