Monday, May 28, 2007

Two down, one to go...

After all the buzz about three really big movies release in a short space of a couple of weeks, Spiderman, Pirates III (At Worlds End) and Shrek the Third have been on my list to watch for a while.

We watched Spiderman last week (yawn!) and watched Pirates last evening (yawn again). All three happened to be third installments of highly succesful franchises. And the two that I managed to watch were a complete success in that they made me feel utterly bored even before the movie had reached half time. In case of Spiderman, it was made a lot worse with even my daughter saying that she was getting bored. After you have seen two spiderman movies, the visual effects dont dazzle you any more. Sure, the Sandman looks cool while floating through the air, but then, it's not fabulous. And this from a movie that shot all existing box office records to pieces. Yawn is all that I could do.

The came Pirates of the Caribbean III: At Worlds End. It should have been When Patience Ends. The story goes all over the place with no definate end in sight. A few fights here, a few scraps there and a few more visual effects. It even has Will Turner absurdly proposing and marrying Elizabeth Swann on the deck of the Black Pearl, get this, in the middle of a fight. That to me was the end of imagination for the script. In all, it was a pale shadow of the second part...which itself was a pale shadow of the first part, which to me is the best of the lot. I think Pirates III has managed to become the worst movie I have ever watched. This one was beyond yawning.

Now my hopes are pegged on the ogre from Dreamworks. Of all three franchises that I mentioned, Shrek has been the only one to come out with a second installment which was as much, if not more, fun as the first installment. While Spiderman and Pirates both floundered with their seconds, Shrek 2 was hilarious and a great move. I am hoping for some of the same magic again this time. And there is all possibility that the people at Dreamworks will make it happen.

Fingers crossed.

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