Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Happy Birthday, India!

My country turns 60 today! And what a wonderful 60 she is!

I was looking forward to posting today, what with all of us Indians celebrating Independance Day. But then I recieved a mail with the most amazing video which pretty much encapsulate everything that I wanted to say. It's a video with some of the greatest musical personalities India has produced. And guess what, they are all performing in a lovely rendition of our National Anthem. See for yourself.

Isn't it awesome?

Yeah, so we are all excited about today, because it is a day of immense pride for us as Indians, but on a more personal note, because tomorrow is when our stuff gets packed to be shipped to India. Yep, the wheels are finally moving.

Starting tomorrow morning, all our stuff will be packed up and boxed. Some of the stuff that we have asked delivery for should also be landing tomorrow. Then day after tomorrow, all of that will be loaded in a container right at my doorstep and the container will leave straight from my house to the docks to be loaded on the vessel which will take my family's personal effects to our home.

So we are at the last couple of weeks in Singapore. The last couple of days has been just catching up with all my customers and saying my goodbyes, thanking them for all their support. It is maily because of my customers that I had a good time in Singapore. Without them, it would be really boring. And it was doubly reassuring that all of them (at least they said that) they would like to keep in touch. I have been asked expressly by all of them to send my contact details once I settle down in India, something that I absolutely will do. After that overwhelming response, I think I did something right in my tenure here in Singapore in the last two years. It made all the effort worthwhile.

The next couple of weeks will be a riot of lunches and coffees and drinks with all the people will miss when I go back. In this short two years, I am really happy to have made some great relationships with the people I have interacted with. And I intend to keep in touch with all of them even after I have moved. I just hope they reciprocate the communication.

All in all, a very pleasant week and a big boost of confidence for me.

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