Friday, December 16, 2005

A year's worth of blogging

It's been a year!

Yep, that's right. It's been a year since I started to blog, my first post being on the 16th of December.

Funny coincidence really. I was just looking at my blog history today and realized the significant milestone I was about to cross. And I noticed another funny thing.

For the last few months, I averaged about 13 posts a month. That's almost once in two days. And that was the best average. Hmmm...

Now, that's not so good, it it? And considering the fact that the number of posts dropped dramatically during the NaNoWriMo contest during November.

So here's what I am going to do.

I am going to attempt and up the number of posts per month to around 20. Which would make it two posts in three days.

Only problem will be writing something sensible :-)

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