Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Another addition to the media room

Finally got my hands on the AppleTV!

POP! The Champagne cork is off. The wait is over. All my redigitizing effort to consolidate my media and make it Apple TV friendly is going to finally pay off tonight. And to make the experience better, I am also now in possession of a spanking new D-Link Dual Band Wireless N router. Ok, so I didn't buy the router because of AppleTV...my old router would have done just fine. But that was exactly the problem. My old router was...you know...OLD. The bugger would randomly hang and I would have to physically yank out the power cable and wait 10 seconds before pushing it back in to get it going. It would happen at some of the most inconvenient times of the day (think having to tiptoe around the house at 1:30am just cause your Daily Show episode has frozen midway). So the solution was to get a nice and powerful Wireless N capable router which my Macbook and iMac could freak out on. Now I can enjoy my 8mbps broadband connection a little more :)

And so save myself a little more trouble, I bought a HDMI switcher. Yep, my Plasma is 5 years old and came with only one HDMI port which is currently being used by my DVD player. So now my DVD player and my Apple TV will have to jostle for the same port. Not to worry. 3-port HDMI switcher (with IR remote) to the rescue. Woo Hoo!

Thanx Sanjeev for carrying the stuff back for me. Muchas Gracias!

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