Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A weird dream

I am at a beach resort of some kind. I am with people I don't know. I am carrying my camera. And there's some activity happening on the first floor of an incomplete building structure.

And then, as I am walking towards the beach, I notice a few people playing beach volleyball. And all of a sudden, I notice one of the guys playing there. It's my buddy from Engineering College. I say "Uddhav, what the hell are you doing here, man?" and he says "Hey Mally" recognizing the fact that he was one of the first few people to start calling me Mally. And I say to him "you're supposed to be dead" and then he just smiled.

That's right. Uddhav Jagadale died April of last year while on a business trip to Malaysia.

Wonder what made him pop up in my dream.

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