Tuesday, January 23, 2007

This is the kind of feedback I need

So there's this gof tournament that I am entering in a few days. And yeah, I haven't played at all in almost 8 weeks. I realized I was running really low on my Titliest ProV1 balls (I only lose the best!).

So I walked into this place at United Square which is part pro shop, part teaching shack, part golf store. They had three sleeves of ProV1s, but at a price higher than what I would get elsewhere. So I did not buy. But I was curious how this really old guy teaches.

I asked him how much he charges and he went on about the basic course, the medium course and the group course. I don't think he figured it out the fact that if I am using Titliest ProV1 as my golf ball (which is one of the most expensive golf balls on the market), I better be playing decent enough to not lose too many of them.

I told him that I just wanted to figure out what was wrong with my swing. What I wanted (truely) was to see my swing from a third person perspective. He offered to show me ... get this ... for free!

So I stood there and took two swings. And as soon as he showed me on the screen, before he could even say what the problem was, I knew what the problem was.

It is something I worked towards correcting on the driving range and then lost all of the correction in these weeks of inactivity.

Fundamentally, what I am doing wrong is in two departments. Actually one major mistake and the second a cause of the first. I am bending too low at address. Because I am doing that, I am not turning completely and therefore making a handsy swing. Not only that, I am completely across the line at the top of the swing.

I came home with these two swing thoughts in my mind and then took a few swings in the living room, standing in a place which allows my bathroom mirror to give me feedback on the top of the swing. And sure enough, when I go too low on the address, I go across. When I stand they way I used to, I am on line and making a full turn.

I hope this will help to save some of my pride when I go out and play this tournament. But mostly, it's going to be a round of embarrasment. What can I expect if I am going to play a tournament after 8 weeks?

Even Tiger missed his first cut after he came back. "Not that there's anything wrong with that" (Courtesy - Seinfeld)

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