Monday, January 22, 2007

How can I deny this request?

You tell me...

As I mentioned in my last post, I was up until late last night watching the Arsenal - ManU game. Egro, I woke up later today than I do most days. That meant I could not get my daughter ready for school (which is supposed to be my job). Neither could I say goodbye to her when she left for school.

When I woke up this morning, I had a piece of paper in my hand. It was a note from my little baby. See for yourself...

In case you cannot read it properly, it says:
"come home quickly pupy. before I come."
Isn't that cho chweeeet? I melted right away. There is no way I am going to miss this request. This is the power my little one has over me. A tiny request on a scrap of paper and she made me the happiest person this morning.
Oh, and in case you did not figure it out...She calls me Pappi, which is her lovingly cute way of saying Pappa. And since she is not used to spelling it, she has spelt it the way she thought it would pronunciation!
She's such a sweetheart. I really love her! More than anything! Ever!

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