Not exactly a resolution, but...
Ho hum! New year and all that, so there's talk of any (if at all) new resolutions for the year going forward. Now I'm not in the habit of making resolutions (as I'm already at superHD resolution), so I'm not going to get into that conversation, but I noticed that I haven't been doing what I used to do a lot a few years ago.
And that is blogging!
There was a time when I would have at least a post a day, of things that I noticed that day, the weird things that happened to me, the rants against some moronic things, or simply to vent how I was feeling. And I noticed that somewhere around 2007-2008, my blogging frequency took a nose dive. There have been a few intermittent posts now and then, but my attempts to cover my North Europe trip also ended up being half baked (with only half the trip documented).
So the effort for the new year is to blog more often. At least once a week if that's even possible.
So here's to a new day. A new beginning. A fresh start.
Wish everyone a happy new year and may it be so much better than the last!
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