How do you play with this?
Recently, Facebook has invaded our office in a way you would not imagine. There are so many of us on Facebook everyday that it's not funny. What is amazing about the portal is the amount of stuff that you can do there. Ever since they opened up their API, zillions of applications have been made available on Facebook and it's just an interesting place to be.
One of the applications that a few of my colleagues and I use quite a lot is the Scrabbulous application. It's a scrabble game on Facebook where you can invite your friends to play with you. As you can see from the picture below, this the problem:The rack that I have got has five Ts, an N and an E. While that makes TENT, there needs to be a place on the scrabble board to put that up. And this has been the problem for the last couple of games. The one before this, I was getting all vowels. I had three As, two Os, an E and a U. This game, I am only getting consonants. Before I took this picture, I had three Ts, two Ns and two Ds. What does one do with this?
In my stats, it will say that I lost miserably in these couple of games. And I don't feel bad about losing. What I do feel bad is losing because of such shitty tiles that I am getting. And this anguish will never be recorded on my profile.
Almost feel like resigning this game.
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