Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Too young to marry?

All this news about Prince William and his girlfriend Kate has generated a lot of stuff in print. But I found this article by The Times on "When is a man too young to marry?"

According to the doctor's view, (as quoted in this article),

"It has been thought for at least 50 years, probably longer, that there are three stages of lasting love, all of which are true love and all equally desirable.

In the first year or two of an intimate relationship lust is the overwhelming emotion. It is undeniably fun but it fades into the equally important and enjoyable stage of acceptance — now sometimes called nesting — in which sex and jolly parties are of secondary importance and shared interests and the setting and attaining of goals becomes the cement that holds the structure of the relationship together.

After eight or nine years, the nature of the relationship changes again and it becomes based on firm friendship. This psychologist’s theory is now given credence by the changes in the functional MRI brain scans that can be seen to
accompany each stage of marital love. If a marriage is to have a chance of
surviving, there must be an opportunity for the stage of lust to move to the
stage of acceptance."


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