Sunday, December 10, 2006

Common sense is not so common

This post is also about golf, so bear with me.

As usual, my pal and I went over to Batam yesterday to play our customary round of weekend golf. Since I was playing after a couple of weeks, I wasn't entirely sure where the ball was going to go. So while I did not have any high hopes of breaking the course record, I wasn't too worried about losing it completely as well.

As it turned out, we were playing behind this painfully slow four ball and so we had to wait for every single shot while they either took their shot or putted in on the green.

Behind us was another two ball who was playing at around the same pace as us, so we weren't holding them up unless we ourselves were being held up.

On one of the holes, after we teed off, we were made to wait as the group ahead of us was still on the green. And so we waited patiently for them to get off.

And along came a golf ball over me left side!

The jackasses playing behind us had teed off!!!!!!!


Only after I started to holler and create a racket did they stop.

Here's what pissed me off completely. They had been playing behind us for most of the round. If they could not see us on the green ahead of them, they should know that we haven't got there yet. Instead, they chose to decide that we had mysteriously given up our round midway and that it was OK to tee off.

I'm not sure if these bozos are aware that a golf ball travels at an average of a 100kmph. That's quite a bit, you know. And a hard plastic globe travelling at that speed can cause some serious damage.

If it had hit me, the best they could have done would have been a mostly genuine "Sorry", but that's it. The damage it can cause to someone because of reckless, irresponsible behaviour would be a lot, lot more.

And it's idiots like these that yanks my chain. I was fuming all the way for the rest of the round.

These are the kind of people who should be ashamed of calling themselves golfers

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