Tuesday, November 07, 2006

What I would do to get a swing like this! (SIGH!)

If you haven't watched the recent Nike Golf Swing Portrait Commercial featuring Tiger Woods, then you're missing something (or you are not a golfer...in which case you pretty much don't care).

Be that as it may, even to non-golfers (it's ok, it's no shame, nobody's perfect), this swing is a work of art. Just watching it can make you go "Wow!" Even if you didn't know who Tiger Woods is or you didn't know what a good golf swing is supposed to look like, you would look at this video and go "That looks great! He must be good at whatever it is he is doing!"

And it is this pursuit of perfection that maddens us all. The ability to have a repeatable, dependable, powerful, versatile swing that we can take to the golf course. And that is every golfer's dream. Every single one of us (even the social golfers who I loathe)!

And just watching this portrait (of a truely great swing, I needlessly add), I realized something about my own swing (Yeah, I have a tendency of doing that! Just last week I learnt something from Retief Goosen's swing)

If you look at how he has teed up his ball for a driver, you will see that the ball is teed up with most of it facing the driver's clubface. What I have been told (up until now) is that the ball should be teed up high enough so that half the ball is over the top of the driver's face when you keep the driver on the drive at address position. As you can see here, Tiger has his ball teed up way, way, WAY lower than that.

Probably that is why he presents the full clubface to the ball at impact and that is why he gets the spin and the distance that is legendary of Tiger Woods. Maybe that is one of the mistakes I have been doing up until now and is something that I should change.

Time to hit the range, me thinks!

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