Wednesday, June 07, 2006

It has to be fate

If you look at all the great achievements in sport, most of the people who have achieved greatness have had the opportunity presented to them.

Please understand, I am not taking away anything from them. What they have achieved is fantastic and to be aspired for, and they have worked really hard to get where they are. But all of them, every single one of them, has been given the opportunity to succeed in their chosen field.

Look at Tiger Woods, look at Jack Nichlaus, Michael Schumaker, Sachin Tendulkar, David Beckham. All of them, in their respective childhoods, were given the chance to take up their respective sports. Of course they all worked really hard to get better at their choice, they still were presented with the first step. That first step is immensely crucial. Especially when you consider that more than 99% of people do not even get that opportunity.

It's almost like your life is pre-decided. Call it destiny if you like.

What you are, you are born with it. What you make of it is entirely up to you.

What I mean is, there are two parts here. One is getting the opportunity and two is making use of it.

It's like Eminem says in "Lose Yourself", one of his greatest songs and one of my absolute favourites. "You only get one shot. Do not let your chances go, cause opportunity comes once in a lifetime!"

All of this came from a thought that occured to me when I was wishing I had started playing golf when I was young. I could have been a lot better. But that opportunity was never presented. Not that it matters now.

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