Indians cant wait to get rid of their accents
And I think this is a firly universal fact.
No matter where you go, I am sure you will bump into Indians. There is no place on earth where civilisation exists and Indians have not settled there. And there is one thing common about all of these Indians.
They all try to speak like the locals.
Now I am not talking about kids who grew up in a different country and so grew up listening to a different way of speaking English. I am talking about the people who had trouble speaking coherant English in India, but who now put on an American or British accent to...I don't know, maybe enlighten other people about where they work.
You see this only with Indians.
Even here in Singapore, you find Indians most likely to speak Singlish, which is widely acknowledged as a severely distorted version of English. Despite the fact that they are not exactly speaking English, Indians here go out of the way to speak like locals.
I have never, repeat NEVER, heard an American or a Brit or a Spaniard or a German try and speak Singlish! They wouldn't be bothered.
The only people who do, and in the process try and fit in, are us Indians. It's almost as if we are so ashamed of the way we speak, we're just waiting to drop it. I see it even on conference calls. One moment, this Indian collegue of mine is talking in a right "desi" accent. The next moment, as soon as an American or a European comes on the call, he's talking as if he was born a few thousand miles west of his actual birthplace.
I am not sure if you have noticed this. I certainly have. Mostly because people find it very strange that I don't talk quite like most of the Indians here. They ask me why I like to be different. I'm not different. I just don't think that there is any reason to change the way I have always spoken,
My question is, why does everybody else feel the need to want to blend in?
Dennis, Agree with you on the pride part. Disagree totally on the embarrasment. Show me another country which has made the kind of progress that India has since Independance while dealing with the size and number of people. It's Indians who are not proud that are an embarrasement rather than the country.
May be Indians believe more in the "If you are in Rome, be like a Roman" !!
In my case.. once in a while, I tend to use singlish. But its more of just for fun. I just dont want to embarras myself sounding odd :-D
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