Not exactly a bad round, but could be better
This is what you are most likely to hear from me if you ask me how my round of golf went.
And it's probably the right thing to say.
Another round at Sebana Cove came and went. And I landed a 93 this time. Which is an improvement of a stroke over the last time. Only this time, I was brandishing the TaylorMade R5 driver that I bought with such high hopes. And it didn't let me down that often.
The longest drive that I made with it (without tail wind, of course) was 310yds. This is by far the longest I have driven...and I have the R5 to thank for it. With tail wind, I hit it to 334yds. That sounds great, but if you consider the fact that I hit my 3i to 310yds because of the tailwind, that should tell you about the kind of wind that was going around the course.
The wind played even more havoc on the approach shots, so more often than not, I was bumping and rolling them on to the green rather than hitting a high approach.
Chipping was attorcious. The feel is just missing. I am going to try and practise only chipping and short distance pitching for the next few times on the driving range.
Putting was not bad. Not a single three-putt and a few single putts to save par.
All in all, "Could do better" (which is incidentally also the most often written comment by me teachers when they remarked - read "Branded on my report card" - on my performance in class)
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