Monday, December 05, 2005

These youngsters are amazing

I was recently at the "Thank God It's Over (TGIO)" party which celebrated the end of the month long, frantic wrting contest that is NaNoWriMo.

I realized that I was the oldest bloke there (if you ignore the Municipal Liason, that is) and most of the people were youngsters in their early teens.

A couple of them were just entering their teens. And these two were amazing. One of them wrote a - trust me when I say this - 101000 word novel! You heard me right, a hundred and one THOUSAND word novel. And she did this in two weeks instead of four. Whoa!

The other did not churn out a tome this big, but beat the teen by being the youngest WriMo in Singapore. Coolio.

And here I was, looking old and foolish in the middle of these young people who were having a lot of fun. They obviously knew each other from the write-in's and the meetings, but it was a first time for me.

The only thing that made me feel good about myself is that I managed to get to the Winner spot despite having a full time job and a family that screams for my time. That is a good experience.

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