Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Water, water, everywhere...

The recent floods in Mumbai, India & in New Orleans, USA brought out some startling facts. This is from a mail going around & since I dont know the person who has compiled this information, I cannot put a dedication here. Thanx Govind, for sending me the mail.

New OrleansMumbai
Inches of rain 18 37.1
Population 484,674 12,622,500
Deaths within 48 hours 100 37
Number of people to be evacuated Entire city (WOW) 10,000
Cases of looting & violence Countless None
Time taken for army to reach 48 hours 12 hours
Status 48 hours later Still waiting for relief Business as usual

I'm just wondering. Which country is the developed nation & which one is the emerging Third World country.

Kinda puts things in perspective, doesn't it?

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