Saturday, May 14, 2005

AAARRRGH! Ringtones!

Now I don't necessarily have a problem with cellular technology & the advantages of being mobile. In fact, I am completely dependant on my cell phone & am completely handicapped without it. So mobile phones, in general, are more good than evil.

But what I cannot stand is all these awful ringtones that people have on their phone. And just to show off, they will answer the phone as late as they can. Aaaaaa..... somebody kill that person.

And since almost everyone in urban India has a cell phone, you can imagine how many number & type of ringtones can exist. each one designed to irritate the next person. One guy had his own coughing sound as his ring tone! Yikes!

The latest trend is for a personalised "hear tone" (I dont know what it is technically called, so this is my feeble name for it). This is where you call a person on their hand phone & instead of it going the traditional "Ring Ring", it plays a pathetic quality song. Bwack!

Maybe I should try the "if you can't lick em, join em" strategy. Maybe I can irritate enough people around me to make them give up their evil ways. Maybe not. Maybe the strategy will backfire on me & send me to the asylum.

"Tinanana Tinanana Tinanana Na", "Cough Cough", "Daddy, pick up the phone", "Brrrrrriiiiiiiiinnnnnng", "Bleep Bleep", "LEAVE ME ALONE, AAAAAAAA".... That can be a ring tone!

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