"Bakwas" is Indian Slang for Junk, Meaningless crap! This is my dribble from a boring time, droll comments which just pop up into my head, maybe some brilliant (I doubt it) ideas that I may have!
Mostly they are ramblings of a bored, Indian slang spewing, slightly crazy, 30-something year old.
Watch this part of last night's episode of "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart". Watch as Jon, very astutely and yet with a lot of hillarity, points out the root cause of all the conflict that the United States is in the middle of right now.
No one could have said it any better or with more clarity or with more humour. I love this show!
My country turns 60 today! And what a wonderful 60 she is!
I was looking forward to posting today, what with all of us Indians celebrating Independance Day. But then I recieved a mail with the most amazing video which pretty much encapsulate everything that I wanted to say. It's a video with some of the greatest musical personalities India has produced. And guess what, they are all performing in a lovely rendition of our National Anthem. See for yourself.
Isn't it awesome?
Yeah, so we are all excited about today, because it is a day of immense pride for us as Indians, but on a more personal note, because tomorrow is when our stuff gets packed to be shipped to India. Yep, the wheels are finally moving.
Starting tomorrow morning, all our stuff will be packed up and boxed. Some of the stuff that we have asked delivery for should also be landing tomorrow. Then day after tomorrow, all of that will be loaded in a container right at my doorstep and the container will leave straight from my house to the docks to be loaded on the vessel which will take my family's personal effects to our home.
So we are at the last couple of weeks in Singapore. The last couple of days has been just catching up with all my customers and saying my goodbyes, thanking them for all their support. It is maily because of my customers that I had a good time in Singapore. Without them, it would be really boring. And it was doubly reassuring that all of them (at least they said that) they would like to keep in touch. I have been asked expressly by all of them to send my contact details once I settle down in India, something that I absolutely will do. After that overwhelming response, I think I did something right in my tenure here in Singapore in the last two years. It made all the effort worthwhile.
The next couple of weeks will be a riot of lunches and coffees and drinks with all the people will miss when I go back. In this short two years, I am really happy to have made some great relationships with the people I have interacted with. And I intend to keep in touch with all of them even after I have moved. I just hope they reciprocate the communication.
All in all, a very pleasant week and a big boost of confidence for me.
As I said yesterday, we're moving back to India. And that means a whole lot of things to get done...without forgeting that I have to get my work done and passed on before I can leave.
What do I need to get done? Get a relocation company signed up so that my stuff here (which has, over the last 2 years, become quite a bit) and delivered to my house in Bangalore, get my phone / cable / broadband / utilities settled, get supplies that I want to take with me to India, organize my taxes and finances, get my daughter's school organized in India. Oh, and to finish reading the Harry Potter book the 3rd time. And to crack the Prince of Persia: Rival Swords game once and for all.
Just kidding.
I am already done with the Harry Potter book a few times, and last night, I finally beat the Vizier and completed all the levels of the PoP game on the Wii. It took a while as I stuck on the Terrace level for some time now. But I think I finally have it covered. So now, I have started playing the game all over again, just cause I love it!
Coming back to the relocation, the most anxiety is being caused by the school and the admission for my daughter. We have already called the school that she was a part of before we moved here and discussions are on, but it will only end when they finally admit her and we pay the fees. So until then, we are in limbo.
Which probably means that my wife and daughter will leave a little sooner than me and I will join towards the end of the month. Hopefully, by then, everything will have been settled and I can close this chapter of my life and look forward to opening the next one.
After not posting even once in the whole of the last month, I can now explain why I did not even feel like posting.
Coming the end of August, I will be leaving Singapore for good to go back to India! There, I said it. The discussions involving the decision have been going on for over a month now and they have been the cause of an immense amount of stress on both my family and myself. In that atmosphere, I really did not feel like posting much.
So I am going back to my home in Bangalore, to work in the same company that I work for here, only now in India (again). I will be working for the person who has been my longest standing boss in my very short career. It will also mean that I will be back in the town that has been very good for me, will be living in my own house (yippee!) and will be in a place where I have friends.
Not to say that I don't have friends in Singapore. Au contraire. In this short period of 2 years in Singapore, I have had the pleasure of working with some great people in my customer environments and a few of them have actually become more friend than customer. I am really glad that they have been so open and so accepting of me and that they felt that I did some amount of good in their environment. I am quite sure that most of them will not mind staying in touch with me after I move. Some of them have even told me so. Which makes me feel really good about the work that I have done with my customers, the relationships that I have built and the positive way they look at me. Like the song in The Sound of Music, "... I must have done something good..."
I have also had the privelege of knowing some great Singaporeans. They too have been open and accepting and have introduced me to a great party time whenever I'm with them. So a big thank you to these wonderful people. I hope to catch up with them at least for one party before I leave.
So that's the biggest news so far. A few other things have happened since I last posted (My daughter is back from India from her vacation, the last part of the Harry Potter book is out and has been read twice already, I have bought all the available seasons (1-8) of Seinfeld, etc.), but nothing is as big as this one. So I will leave this post at it.